
How To Get Windows Live Account

Want to get a whole new Alive ID and first fresh with Microsoft? Here'south how to transfer your account.

Change Live ID

Microsoft'southward Live ID (soon to exist renamed "Microsoft Account") is the key to all things from Redmond these days. Whether it'due south your Xbox 360, SkyDrive, Live Mail service, Zune Pass, App Hub business relationship, Messenger or Windows Telephone, your Live ID is at the heart.

The question is what if yous desire to alter your Alive ID?

Here we don't mean switching merely on the telephone, which unfortunately requires a difficult-reset (and no, we don't have a work around for that, pitiful). Instead, we're talking about what if you accept an erstwhile email business relationship and y'all want a new 1 instead? Perhaps you're not happy with your electric current user name or like us, you have used your Hotmail account since 2002 as a glorified spam experiment.

We'll walk yous through the process of getting a new Live ID and making sure all your other services dorsum-propagate to reverberate the modify keeping all of your services intact.

Read on afterwards the suspension for our guide...


Why change?

To brainstorm with, some of you may be wondering why you would want to change your Live ID in the start place. We'll give you our reason.

We've had our Hotmail account since 2002 which pre-dated even Google'south Gmail (introduced in 2004). Back in the day, was great for registering with sites, ownership things, etc. but non for your "real" e-mail. Instead, nosotros had our ISP e-mail accounts for that and our Hotmail quickly became our "junk email" account, our throw away if you will.

That was fine for many years as Hotmail was pretty weak for almost of the 2000s as Gmail stole the limelight. So a funny thing happened: Windows Phone 7. All of a sudden your Hotmail business relationship was your Live ID account and it was the key for using a Windows Phone 7 device. We still didn't use Hotmail though, so we ignored it. And information technology got more spammed.

Now in 2012, between SkyDrive, Live Mail, Windows Telephone Marketplace, App Hub, Messenger and our growing dislike with all things Google, we decided to give up on Gmail.

That and Hotmail/Alive Postal service got good. Similar real proficient. And then we wanted back into Microsoft's deject.

Simply our Hotmail account was lame, it was broken. It was total of spam, had the antiquated accost and frankly we just don't like our username. Our second problem is Hotmail users can't change their Live ID in the settings (don't recollect nosotros haven't tried).

So we want a new Live ID. We want to get-go from scratch (and non just modify our email address).

But what happens to our Xbox 360 account? What about our $15 a month Zune Pass (with gratuitous 10 song credit)? Our App Hub account? And those apps…certain, yous take bought apps for Windows Telephone, simply we've spent well over $600. Surely we're non going to outset over and lose all of that, are nosotros?

That's our reason and our business organisation. You may have yours. Whatever it may be, let's move on to getting that switch.

Switching your Live ID

Part I - Start, check if you can change your Alive ID manually. That volition be the easiest method though we have to warn you lot, original Hotmail accounts tin't do this.

  • Go to https://business and sign in
  • Where your Alive ID is listed (outset line), select "Change"
  • If you lot're allowed to change it, then by all ways, you're almost done! No need to go along.

If you are told you cannot make the modify similar in the prototype above, and then you have our problem. Continue reading on for the fix.

Xbox 360 Accounts

Part II - This is where information technology gets catchy. According to the Windows Phone FAQ, if you modify your Live ID on your phone, you'll have to hard-reset the phone and you'll lose your apps.

More importantly, they note

"If yous buy apps, games, music, or videos using one Windows Live ID, you won't be able to use those same things with your new Windows Live ID. You'll need to buy them or download them again."

Ouch. Just all is not lost and there is a style to change your Alive ID, keep your accounts and your app purchases. Only caveat: you will need an Xbox 360.

First, on your PC get to world wide

  • Create a new Live ID account of your choice. We went with a over


Log on to your Xbox 360

  • Go to Settings --> Business relationship
  • Ringlet to "Your Information"
  • Select "Windows Live ID"
  • Select Change Windows Live ID
  • Answer "Yes" to you already have a new Windows Alive ID
  • Follow the prompts for associating your Xbox 360 account with the new Live ID

You're done.

What just happened?

For some reason, y'all cannot change your Live ID through the spider web but you can alter it on the Xbox 360.

More importantly, what will happen over the adjacent 30-sixty minutes is your Zune Pass will transfer over to your new account equally volition your previous Windows Phone app purchases. Likewise our App Hub even transferred. You'll and so want to sign into Zune Desktop too with your new account.

What comes side by side though is the ugly function: y'all still need to hard-reset your Windows Phone. There's no manner around that, sad.

Once yous exercise though, enter in your new Windows Live ID and you should exist able to download your previously purchased apps, have your licenses for your Zune songs, etc.

As far as we've been able to discern you can merely change your Live ID and have it roll to your other accounts through the Xbox 360. Nosotros could not practice it through our Zune business relationship, Windows Phone account and definitely not our account.

Live ID


If y'all want to change your Live ID, pick out a new permanent email address and offset fresh in the Microsoft "cloud" system, then you'll want to create that new Alive ID and transfer it on your Xbox 360 account.

Doing so will insure that all your music and apps go passed to the new business relationship likewise as keeping your Xbox Gamer business relationship and stats.

In short, we lost nothing in doing this and it was actually very like shooting fish in a barrel in one case we figured out Microsoft'due south ridiculous system.

Only downside was we don't accept 25GB of storage on SkyDrive equally that was only a limited offer for older accounts. Then we have to settle for 7GB for now.

But hey, we have a swanky new Alive ID, a not-embarrassing electronic mail account that is clean and spam free and we're now happily using all of Microsoft's cloud services total-time.

We're also ready for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 in the autumn.

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