
I Have 2 Windows Installed How To Delete One

How to use MSConfig to remove an OS from a dual kicking configuration.

Update: Windows 7, XP, and Vista are no longer supported past Microsoft. For the latest, make sure you are running Windows ten or above. For more, check out how to dual boot with Windows 10.

A few weeks dorsum I explained how to install Windows vii in a Dual-Boot Configuration using a VHD file like the Windows 7 Organisation Drive. A few days after I explained how to make Windows 7 in a Dual Boot scenario the primary kicking Os. Now afterwards receiving about xx emails on the topic from readers, I guess it's time to explain how to undo or delete the Windows vii Dual Boot configuration. My guess is the testing is done and they are going to wait for the gold bits for Windows vii.

Then, let'southward get correct to it. For your convenience, I've included not only the pace-by-footstep instructions but as well a how-to video.

How-To Remove an OS from Windows Dual Boot Config Screencast Video

How-To Remove an OS from Windows Dual Boot Config [Stride-past-Step]

1.   Boot into the Non-Windows 7 OS (original Os earlier you installed Windows 7 as a dual-boot).  For about people, this would hateful booting into your Vista install however I'one thousand going to gauge there might exist a few who set up a Dual-Boot config with Windows 2008 also (me for instance).

2. Click the Windows First button and type msconfig and press Enter (or click it with the mouse)

Launch MSConfig on Windows 7 System

2.   Click Boot Tab, click the Bone yous want to keep, and click Set as default

Delete Windows 7 Boot options from MSConfig Set Defualt OS in Dual-Boot MSCOnfig options

3.   Click Windows 7 Os and click Delete. Click OK

Delete Windows 7 Boot options from MSConfig

What y'all but did was remove Windows 7 from the Windows Boot manager so now it will no longer show upward when you boot the computer.  Essentially, the figurer is no longer a Dual-Boot System (2 Windows Versions installed).

The next steps are to just simply delete the Windows 7 VHD file.

Delete Windows 7 .VHD file

In one case you delete the Windows vii VHD file all remnants of Windows 7 volition be gone. Hopefully, this is how you installed Windows seven. If not, you will need to go to the Arrangement bulldoze you installed Windows vii and manually delete all the files and folders there. Be careful not to remove annihilation needed by the current/original Bone you want to go on. If y'all didn't install Windows seven in a VHD file, hopefully, you installed it on its own bulldoze so you tin just format information technology.


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