
How To Extract Zip File In C# Windows Application

A portable (OSX/Linux/Windows/Android/iOS), unproblematic zip library written in C

This is washed by hacking awesome miniz library and layering functions on top of the miniz v2.2.0 API.


The Idea

... Some 24-hour interval, I was looking for naught library written in C for my project, only I could not find anything simple enough and lightweight. Everything what I tried required 'crazy mental gymnastics' to integrate or had some limitations or was too heavy. I hate frameworks, factories and adding new dependencies. If I must to install all those dependencies and link new library, I'yard getting almost sick. I wanted something powerfull and small enough, so I could add just a few files and compile them into my project. And finally I found miniz. Miniz is a lossless, loftier operation data compression library in a single source file. I only needed simple interface to append buffers or files to the current zip-entry. Thank you to this feature I'yard able to merge many files/buffers and shrink them on-the-fly.

Information technology was the reason, why I decided to write zippo module on top of the miniz. It required a picayune fleck hacking and wrapping some functions, but I kept simplicity. So, you can grab these three files and compile them into your project. I promise that interface is also extremely simple, and so you will non have any problems to sympathize it.


  • Create a new nil annal with default compression level.
              struct              zip_t              *zip = zip_open(                ""              , ZIP_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL,                              'w'              ); {              zip_entry_open(zilch,                              "foo-ane.txt"              );     {              const              char              *buf =                              "Some information hither...\0                "              ;              zip_entry_write(null, buf,              strlen(buf));     }              zip_entry_close(zip);              zip_entry_open(nix,                              "foo-2.txt"              );     {                              //                merge iii files into i entry and compress them on-the-wing.              zip_entry_fwrite(zip,                              "foo-2.1.txt"              );              zip_entry_fwrite(zip,                              "foo-two.2.txt"              );              zip_entry_fwrite(zilch,                              "foo-2.3.txt"              );     }              zip_entry_close(zip); }              zip_close(zip);
  • Append to the existing cipher archive.
              struct              zip_t              *zip = zip_open(                "foo.nada"              , ZIP_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL,                              'a'              ); {              zip_entry_open(zip,                              "foo-3.txt"              );     {              const              char              *buf =                              "Suspend some data here...\0                "              ;              zip_entry_write(zip, buf,              strlen(buf));     }              zip_entry_close(cipher); }              zip_close(nada);
  • Extract a zip archive into a folder.
              int              on_extract_entry(const              char              *filename,              void              *arg) {              static              int              i =              0;              int              northward = *(int              *)arg;              printf(                "Extracted:                %s                (%d                of                %d)\north                "              , filename, ++i, n);              render              0; }              int              arg =              ii;              zip_extract(                ""              ,                              "/tmp"              , on_extract_entry, &arg);
  • Excerpt a zip entry into memory.
              void              *buf =              NULL;              size_t              bufsize;              struct              zip_t              *cypher = zip_open(                "foo.nada"              ,              0,                              'r'              ); {              zip_entry_open(nada,                              "foo-one.txt"              );     {              zip_entry_read(null, &buf, &bufsize);     }              zip_entry_close(null); }              zip_close(naught);              free(buf);
  • Extract a zip entry into memory (no internal resource allotment).
              unsigned              char              *buf;              size_t              bufsize;              struct              zip_t              *goose egg = zip_open(                "foo.cypher"              ,              0,                              'r'              ); {              zip_entry_open(zip,                              "foo-1.txt"              );     {         bufsize =              zip_entry_size(zip);         buf =              calloc(sizeof(unsigned              char), bufsize);              zip_entry_noallocread(zip, (void              *)buf, bufsize);     }              zip_entry_close(nothing); }              zip_close(zip);              free(buf);
  • Extract a nix entry into retentivity using callback.
              struct              buffer_t              {              char              *information;              size_t              size; };              static              size_t              on_extract(void              *arg,              unsigned              long              long              kickoff,              const              void              *data,              size_t              size) {              struct              buffer_t              *buf = (struct              buffer_t              *)arg;     buf->data              =              realloc(buf->data, buf->size              + size +              ane);              assert(Nada              != buf->information);              memcpy(&(buf->information[buf->size]), data, size);     buf->size              += size;     buf->information[buf->size] =              0;              return              size; }              struct              buffer_t              buf = {0};              struct              zip_t              *zippo = zip_open(                "foo.aught"              ,              0,                              'r'              ); {              zip_entry_open(zip,                              "foo-one.txt"              );     {              zip_entry_extract(zip, on_extract, &buf);     }              zip_entry_close(zip); }              zip_close(zippo);              free(;
  • Extract a zero entry into a file.
              struct              zip_t              *zip = zip_open(                ""              ,              0,                              'r'              ); {              zip_entry_open(zip,                              "foo-two.txt"              );     {              zip_entry_fread(nothing,                              "foo-2.txt"              );     }              zip_entry_close(nil); }              zip_close(zip);
  • Create a new naught archive in retentiveness (stream API).
              char              *outbuf =              NULL;              size_t              outbufsize =              0;              const              char              *inbuf =                              "Append some information here...\0                "              ;              struct              zip_t              *zip = zip_stream_open(NULL,              0, ZIP_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL,                              'west'              ); {              zip_entry_open(naught,                              "foo-1.txt"              );     {              zip_entry_write(zip, inbuf,              strlen(inbuf));     }              zip_entry_close(zip);                              /*                copy compressed stream into outbuf                */                            zip_stream_copy(zip, (void              **)&outbuf, &outbufsize); }              zip_stream_close(goose egg);              gratuitous(outbuf);
  • Extract a zip entry into a memory (stream API).
              char              *buf =              Naught;              size_t              bufsize =              0;              struct              zip_t              *zilch = zip_stream_open(zipstream, zipstreamsize,              0,                              'r'              ); {              zip_entry_open(zip,                              "foo-one.txt"              );     {              zip_entry_read(zero, (void              **)&buf, &bufsize);     }              zip_entry_close(zip); }              zip_stream_close(zip);              free(buf);
  • Listing of all naught entries
              struct              zip_t              *goose egg = zip_open(                ""              ,              0,                              'r'              );              int              i, n = zip_entries_total(zip);              for              (i =              0; i < n; ++i) {              zip_entry_openbyindex(zip, i);     {              const              char              *proper name =              zip_entry_name(zip);              int              isdir =              zip_entry_isdir(zip);              unsigned              long              long              size =              zip_entry_size(cipher);              unsigned              int              crc32 =              zip_entry_crc32(zip);     }              zip_entry_close(zip); }              zip_close(null);
  • Compress folder (recursively)
              void              zip_walk(struct              zip_t              *zip,              const              char              *path) {     DIR *dir;              struct              dirent *entry;              char              fullpath[MAX_PATH];              struct              stat s;              memset(fullpath,              0, MAX_PATH);     dir =              opendir(path);              assert(dir);              while              ((entry =              readdir(dir))) {                              //                skip "." and ".."              if              (!strcmp(entry->d_name,                              ".\0                "              ) || !strcmp(entry->d_name,                              "..\0                "              ))              continue;              snprintf(fullpath,              sizeof(fullpath),                              "                %due south/%s                "              , path, entry->d_name);              stat(fullpath, &s);              if              (S_ISDIR(southward.st_mode))              zip_walk(zip, fullpath);              else              {              zip_entry_open(zip, fullpath);              zip_entry_fwrite(zip, fullpath);              zip_entry_close(zip);       }     }              closedir(dir); }
  • Delete goose egg archive entries.
              char              *entries[] = {                "unused.txt"              ,                              "remove.ini"              ,                              ""              };              struct              zip_t              *zip = zip_open(                "foo.nix"              ,              0,                              'd'              ); {              zip_entries_delete(zip, entries,              3); }              zip_close(zip);


Compile nil library as a dynamic library.

$ mkdir build $              cd              build $ cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=true .. $ cmake --build              .            

Go (cgo)

              package              primary              /*              #cgo CFLAGS: -I../src              #cgo LDFLAGS: -L. -lzip              #include <zippo.h>              */              import              "C"              import              "unsafe"              func              main() {              path              :=              C.CString("/tmp/")              zip              :=              C.zip_open(path,              vi,              'w')              entryname              :=              C.CString("test")              C.zip_entry_open(zip,              entryname)              content              :=              "exam content"              buf              :=              unsafe.Arrow(C.CString(content))              bufsize              :=              C.size_t(len(content))              C.zip_entry_write(zip,              buf,              bufsize)              C.zip_entry_close(zip)              C.zip_close(zip) }

Rust (ffi)

              extern              crate              libc;              employ              std::ffi::CString;  #[repr(C)]              pub              struct              Null              {     _private: [u8;              0], }  #[link(name =              "zippo")]              extern              "C"              {              fn              zip_open(path:              *              const              libc::c_char, level: libc::c_int, fashion: libc::c_char) ->              *              mut              Zilch;              fn              zip_close(zip:              *              mut              Cipher) -> libc::c_void;              fn              zip_entry_open(cipher:              *              mut              Zip, entryname:              *              const              libc::c_char) -> libc::c_int;              fn              zip_entry_close(zip:              *              mut              Zip) -> libc::c_int;              fn              zip_entry_write(         zip:              *              mut              Zip,         buf:              *              const              libc::c_void,         bufsize: libc::size_t,     ) -> libc::c_int; }              fn              main() {              let              path              =              CString::              new("/tmp/rust.naught").unwrap();              allow              mode: libc::c_char              =              'due west'              every bit              libc::c_char;              allow              entryname              =              CString::              new("test.txt").unwrap();              let              content              =              "test content\0";              dangerous              {              let              nix:              *              mut              Aught              =              zip_open(path.as_ptr(),              5, mode);         {              zip_entry_open(zip, entryname.as_ptr());             {              let              buf              =              content.as_ptr()              as              *              const              libc::c_void;              permit              bufsize              =              content.len()              as              libc::size_t;              zip_entry_write(zip, buf, bufsize);             }              zip_entry_close(zip);         }              zip_close(zip);     } }

Ruby (ffi)

Install ffi gem.

Bind in your module.

              require              'ffi'              module              Zip              extend              FFI::Library              ffi_lib              "./libzip.                  #{::FFI::Platform::LIBSUFFIX                  }                "              attach_function              :zip_open              ,              [              :string              ,              :int              ,              :char              ]              ,              :pointer              attach_function              :zip_close              ,              [              :pointer              ]              ,              :void              attach_function              :zip_entry_open              ,              [              :pointer              ,              :string              ]              ,              :int              attach_function              :zip_entry_close              ,              [              :pointer              ]              ,              :void              attach_function              :zip_entry_write              ,              [              :pointer              ,              :string              ,              :int              ]              ,              :int              terminate              ptr              =              Zip              .              zip_open              (              "/tmp/cherry-red.nix"              ,              six              ,              "due west"              .              bytes              (              )              [              0              ]              )              status              =              Zip              .              zip_entry_open              (              ptr              ,              "test"              )              content              =              "test content"              status              =              Nothing              .              zip_entry_write              (              ptr              ,              content              ,              content              .              size              (              )              )              Cypher              .              zip_entry_close              (              ptr              )              Cipher              .              zip_close              (              ptr              )            

Python (cffi)

Install cffi bundle

Bind in your package.

              import              ctypes.util              from              cffi              import              FFI              ffi              =              FFI()              ffi.cdef("""                              struct zip_t *zip_open(const char *zipname, int level, char mode);                              void zip_close(struct zip_t *zip);                                            int zip_entry_open(struct zip_t *zip, const char *entryname);                              int zip_entry_close(struct zip_t *zippo);                              int zip_entry_write(struct zip_t *cypher, const void *buf, size_t bufsize);              """)              Zilch              =              ffi.dlopen(ctypes.util.find_library("naught"))              ptr              =              Zippo.zip_open("/tmp/",              6,              'w')              status              =              Zip.zip_entry_open(ptr,              "test")              content              =              "test content"              condition              =              Zip.zip_entry_write(ptr,              content,              len(content))              Zip.zip_entry_close(ptr)              Zero.zip_close(ptr)

Never (ffi)

              extern "" func zip_open(zipname: string, level: int, mode: char) -> c_ptr extern "libzip.then" func zip_close(nada: c_ptr) -> void  extern "" func zip_entry_open(zilch: c_ptr, entryname: string) -> int extern "libzip.and then" func zip_entry_close(zip: c_ptr) -> int extern "" func zip_entry_write(zip: c_ptr, buf: string, bufsize: int) -> int extern "" func zip_entry_fwrite(zip: c_ptr, filename: string) -> int  func principal() -> int {     let content = "Test content"      let zip = zip_open("/tmp/never.aught", 6, 'w');      zip_entry_open(zip, "test.file");     zip_entry_fwrite(naught, "/tmp/test.txt");     zip_entry_close(zip);      zip_entry_open(null, "test.content");     zip_entry_write(zippo, content, length(content));     zip_entry_close(aught);      zip_close(zip);     0 }                          


The language comes with RingZip based on this library

              load              "ziplib.ring"              new              Zip              {              setFileName("")              open up("due west")              newEntry() {              open up("examination.c")              writefile("test.c")              close()     }              close() }

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  • Monster Mash: New Sketch-Based Modeling and Animation Tool.
  • Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine: OGRE is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to go far easier and more intuitive for developers to produce games and demos utilising 3D hardware.
  • Open Asset Import Library: A library to import and export various 3d-model-formats including scene-mail-processing to generate missing render data.
  • PowerToys: Ready of utilities for power users to melody and streamline their Windows 10 feel for greater productivity.
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  • TIC-fourscore: TIC-eighty is a FREE and OPEN SOURCE fantasy computer for making, playing and sharing tiny games.
  • Urho3D: Urho3D is a gratis lightweight, cross-platform 2nd and 3D game engine implemented in C++ and released under the MIT license. Greatly inspired by OGRE and Horde3D.
  • Vcpkg: Vcpkg helps you lot manage C and C++ libraries on Windows, Linux and MacOS.
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