
How To Bring Start Button In Windows 8

Outset published on TechNet on Oct 17, 2013

Hi, I'yard Joao Botto and I've been focusing on the Windows Client OS for the last four years. I worked in Europe during the launch of Windows 7, and so moved to the US to work on Windows 8 and 8.1. So this is a very special solar day for me – it's my offset post on AskPFEplat and it's Windows 8.1 GA ( house )

Over the last year, I take supported dozens of Windows viii deployments and I've seen immediate that changes to the Get-go button/Carte du jour in Windows 8 initially made some users uncomfortable. Of course, in IT, similar in everything, change is inevitable and equally humans, we're readily adjustable J

In Windows 8.1, the First Button is dorsum – just non the archetype Starting time carte. In this post, Mike Hildebrand and I present you a couple of solutions that should help the traditional mouse and keyboard users (similar the states) get more than comfortable with the Windows 8.i Operating System UI.

Commencement, nosotros'll show you how to conform the Start 'feel' in two dissimilar 'flavors' and then we'll discuss how you can deploy/customize Get-go screen settings across your environs.

With these tweaks, we'll bear witness you how to set up an feel that is like in function to the classic Windows vii Kickoff button/Bill of fare. One time you become accustomed to the changes, we predict y'all'll notice yourself working more than efficiently with the visually richer and more scalable 8.1 Start screen.

Users typically install many, many applications over the lifecycle of a PC. The issue of this was often a Start Card that spanned multiple rows of 'folders.' Navigating it with the mouse grew more hard for users as more and more applications are installed. Also, the virtually mutual icon for apps was a 'folder' which made it a bit visually static and customization was express since they were all just lined up. The Get-go screen allows Tiles of varying colors, sizes and icons, and lets united states arrange them in 'space.'

All Apps View

The showtime View nosotros'll embrace is what we call the 'All Apps' View.

Step one is to change from the default Start Screen to the App View. This is accomplished in the "Taskbar and Navigation backdrop"

  • Right-click the taskbar and choose 'Properties' then the 'Navigation' tab
  • Select 'Show the Apps view automatically when I go to Start'

Now, instead of the Start screen, we run across this screen of all the installed Apps when nosotros sign-in:

Nosotros tin also choose the guild of the awarding sorting…

Hither we set it to show the most recently used outset - this will make it "experience" a bit more similar Windows seven.

Desktop background on Commencement

In Windows 8.0, when I flip to the Start screen from the desktop, information technology is a dramatic visual "switch" to another, completely different screen.

In 8.1, we are given more options. We tin can make the Start screen Tiles sort of "overlay" the desktop wallpaper instead being bounced out to a completely carve up screen.

With this enabled, when we flip to the Start screen, it is a much less desperate visual flash/change.

To practise this, select: 'Show my desktop groundwork on First'

Now, the Desktop more than smoothly transitions from this …

…to this (and back once more).

App Groups View

For an alternate layout, where we group a specific set (or sets) of Apps together, we cull the following settings …

At present, you can pin what you desire to the Start screen. Y'all can customize the order, size, grouping and location of your Tiles. You tin can also right-click the Kickoff screen background, click 'Customize' and define names for your App Groupings…

  • On the Offset screen below, I've pinned my primary work apps and some secondary tools and apps that are normally found on the Windows 7 Offset menu and customized the Tiles to help me piece of work efficiently:

    • My Documents
    • Several Admin tools/Consoles (Hyper-V, RDP – there is a nice new Modern RDP app you can discover in the Store)
    • Command Panel
    • Windows Update
    • Devices and Printers

Here again, when y'all flip from the desktop to the Showtime screen and back once again, there is a polish transition between the two …

Boot to Desktop

In keeping with our theme of choice, if desired, you can choose to boot or sign-in straight to the desktop instead of the Start screen

Some adopt to boot to the Start Screen and begin with the Tiles, others desire to go right into the desktop. We afford users the flexibility either mode.

Centralized Configuration

Now - how to centrally configure this?

As with most Windows configurations, we tin can leverage Group Policy and/or Group Policy Preferences to control OS configurations. Windows viii/8.1 is no dissimilar.

Here is the Policy to evidence the App view instead of the Get-go Screen (this can be set locally or via Domain-based GPOs):

However, having the groundwork shown on the Start Screen is a 'per user' choice, and not exposed via GPO.

Information technology can only exist changed manually by the user or through the following registry fundamental:

  • Subkey: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Accent
  • Entry: MotionAccentId_v1.00
  • Type: REG_DWORD

    • Values:

      • Checked/Show my desktop groundwork on Beginning: 219 (decimal)
      • Unchecked/Exercise non show desktop background on Beginning: 221 (decimal)

Fortunately, deploying this registry central tin can be easily facilitated via the ability of Group Policy Preferences:

Additional Details and POWER!

For some additional details about setting a customized "standard" Start screen layout for users, see the following TechNet library section and a neat post by our own Deployment Guys blog on using MDT for an enterprise deployment:


1 more note about the Outset push button, Start screen and desktop experience in 8.1 – Shutdown and Restart.

These were a bit of a sore spot for Windows viii.0 and many folks created their ain shortcuts/Tiles for the Start screen (myself included).

Notwithstanding, on Windows, pressing the Windows Key + X pops upwardly a menu (or correct-click the Commencement button) provides those options right from the desktop. I no longer used the Shutdown/Restart Tiles on my Showtime screen, and so I deleted them.

Let us know via the comments how yous go most customizing your viii.1 Start screen and associated elements.

From Hilde and Joao, Happy Windows 8.ane GA Mean solar day and as they say in Portugal Рat̩ ja !


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