
How To Switch User Account In Windows 10

Switching the user in a figurer is one of the important features developed in Windows OS. Before Windows XP, a user was required to log off before some other user could log on or switching to the side by side user. From Windows XP and later in Windows 7, 8, and 10, Fast User Switching Features were introduced. Fast User Switching provides the facilities for the user to not accept to log off electric current user, to login into another user, and can switch vice versa preserving open application land and network connections of both users. So, it allows users to switch between user accounts without closing running applications and logging out.

In General, Switch User Feature allows multiple users through multiple accounts to use same unmarried estimator maintaining a separate log for each account.

Different Between Logoff User and Switch User Windows ten

Logoff will terminate off all the opened applications, settings, processes running on your computer. On the other hand, Switch User will not finish current programs, settings, applications. Users may render later to the previous land when required by using Windows 10 Switch User feature explained below.

Reward of Fast User Switching Windows ten

1 It allows switching to the side by side user without forcing the current user to logout.

2 Each user has its own profile settings, desktop settings, files, favorites, and history and document settings.Non shared with another user.

3 Ane Computer, multi-user facilities.

Disadvantage of Fast User Switching Windows 10

1 If a system has depression system specs so switching users may take more than time. Considering all the settings of the users are allocated some retention and switching these all information may have time.

There are unlike ways of switching users in Windows ten. Permit'southward look at each of them

Switch User Business relationship Using Keyboard Shortcut CTRL + ALT + DELETE

ane Press CTRL + ALT + DELETE keyboard combination as shown below.

 2 Then choose the desire user from the list.

Switch User in Windows 10 using Task Manager

1 Press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC keyboard combination, this volition open up task manager.

2 Goto Users Tab and right-click on the desired Account to which you want to switch. At that place select "Switch User Account" equally shown beneath

3 Select the desired account to log in.

Hither, I am going to switch to ourtechroom account so I right-click on it and select "Switch user Account"

Switch User in Windows 10 using ALT + F4 Keyboard Shortcut

Warning: Notation before pressing Alt + F4 key, all the open applications must be minimized.

1 Press ALT + F4 keyboard combination, this will open "Shutdown Windows".

ii From the dropdown select "Switch User" as shown below.

3 Select the desired account to log in.

Switch user in Windows 10 from Start Menu

i Click on Kickoff Menu

2 Click on the current User icon

This will popup options like other users at the side.

iii Click on desire user.

Switch user in Windows 10 using Windows + L Keyboard Shortcut

1 Press Windows + Fifty keyboard combination, this will lock your computer and will run across Lock Screen Wallpaper.

ii Click or Tab everywhere on the Lock Screen Wallpaper, Login Screen volition exist shown.

iii Select the desired business relationship to log in.

Using Control Prompt

Windows has one useful command chosen runas to perform this action.

i Navigate to c:\windows\system32 folder.

2 Enter the following control: runas /user:computer_name\account_name explorer.exe

Some time first user switching does not piece of work. then for this effort the below steps.

Enabling Fast User Switching Using Windows Registry

Windows Registry is the central database of OS which keeps records of settings and vital information of installed software and hardware devices. And so, called every bit center of Windows Bone. Also stores depression-level os configurations and user preferences. It comes preinstalled with Operating System.


i Printing the Windows cardinal + R button and it will open the run box.

ii Type regedit and press ok. Then click on "Yes" in the next prompt windows

3 And then navigate to the below path or paste it at the top as shown below.


iv Create new key equally "System" Under the "Policies" folder.

5 Right Click on the empty area nether the "System" folder so click on "New" then DWORD (32 Bit) Value.

vi Create the "HideFastUserSwitching" field.

seven Double click on "HideFastUserSwitching" and gear up the value 0 to enable switching.

Notation: If you lot want to disable information technology, but set the value to 1.

Then restart your PC.

Enable Fast User Switching Using PowerShell Command

1 Open a command prompt with admin privilege as shown below.

2 Type beneath control :

powershell -windowstyle hidden -command "Get-go-Process cmd -ArgumentList '/south,/c,
REG Delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
/V HideFastUserSwitching /F & REG Delete HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
/V HideFastUserSwitching /F & taskkill /f /im explorer.exe & start explorer.exe' -Verb runAs"

Enable Fast User Switching Using Command Prompt Ii

Using secedit command in control prompt

secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\inf\defltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose        

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the employ of switch users?

Ans: Switch user feature of Windows ten allows switching to the multiple user without forcing the current user to logout or shutting downwards the running application by logging off.


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